
Info about Champlain, New York (United States)

Champlain is a place of New York, Clinton County, in United States (US).

its latitude is 44.9864300, and its longitude -73.4465300.

In Champlain there are 1.101 citizens, its timezone is America/New_York (America/New_York_cet).

One of the top destinations for fishing, kayaking, biking, lakes over United States.


More details about Champlain in United States (US)

In Champlain live 1.101 citizens, related to 2010 last census. Champlain postal code is 12919, this is why for post delivery on your travel this can be done by using the zip code as per description above.

Its dimension is 3 square kilometers so Champlain appears to be nicely quiet town , suggested place for who are interested in quiet cities for an economic base to travel to, a calm countryside without confusion common of big urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Champlain you can find cheap accommodations because of their cheap accommodation prices, and for this reason you can use it like basecamp if you want to move across United States or Champlain near things to do.

Champlain altitude above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) is under 32 meters. That is why Champlain the perfect travel destination if you and your friends love plain areas to see for your next travel.

Champlain things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • fishing, kayaking, biking, lakes.

    Interactive Champlain (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Champlain, New York Clinton County United States (US).