
Info about Vrh, (Slovenia)

Vrh names are also Vrh, its latitude is 46.2416800, and longitude 15.4979000.

In Vrh are located 153 inhabitants, this city timezone is Europe/Ljubljana (Europe/Ljubljana_cet).

Vrh is a popular destination for hiking trails, walking trails over Slovenia.


More details about Vrh in Slovenia (SI)

It has timezone UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

Its size is 1 sq. kilometers so it appears to be quitely small place a nice destination for trippers that like quiet places for a quiet base location to sleep, a calm place without distractions that characterizes large urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Vrh you can find cheap hotels due to Vrh economic room prices, and for this reason you and your friends may use Vrh as your basecamp in order to visit all Slovenia or Vrh near things to do.

Vrh elevation above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), is 333 meters. That is why this city is the perfect trip destination if you and partner want high land to visit for your next holiday and love trekking while tripping somewhere in the world.

Vrh things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hiking trails, walking trails.

    Interactive Vrh (Slovenia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Vrh, Slovenia (SI).