
Info about Bakhchysarai, Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine)

Bakhchysarai region is Autonomous Republic of Crimea, in Ukraine (UA).

Other names for Bakhchysarai are Bachtjisaraj, Bachtjysaraj, Bachtschyssaraj, Bachtsjisaraj, Bachtsjysaraj, Bagcasaray, Bahcesaray, Bahcisarajo, Bahçesaray, Bajchisarai, Bajchisarái, Bajchysarai, Bajchysarái, Bakczysaraj, Bakhchisaraj, Bakhchisaray, Bakhtchissarai, Bakhtchissaraï, Bakhtchyssarai, Bakhtchyssaraï, Bağçasaray, Baĥĉisarajo, Baɣca Saraj, Baɣča Saraj, bafuchisarai, baheuchisalai, Бахчисарай, バフチサライ, 바흐치사라이, latitude is 44.7552500, and longitude 33.8578200.

Its population is 26.874 residents, its timezone is Europe/Simferopol (Europe/Simferopol_cet).

Bakhchysarai is one of the best destinations for mosques around Ukraine.


More details about Bakhchysarai in Ukraine (UA)

It is the capital of Crimean Khanate.

Bakhchysarai has timezone UTC+02:00 (in standard time).

In Bakhchysarai there are 26.874 residents, related to 2018 census. It’s zip code is 298400 — 298408, this is why for post delivery in Bakhchysarai it can be used this zip as per description above.

Bakhchysarai dimensions are 55 km2 so its a medium sized city, in our opinion a town worth visiting. Here you can save money due to their economic accommodation rates, so this is why you may use Bakhchysarai like your base in order to visit all Ukraine or Bakhchysarai near places.

Its elevation above sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 300 meters above sea. That’s why this city is the perfect travel destination if you want plain areas to see for your next vacation.

Bakhchysarai things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques.

    Interactive Bakhchysarai (Ukraine) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Bakhchysarai, Autonomous Republic of Crimea Ukraine (UA).