
Info about Polzela, (Slovenia)

Also called Obcina Polzela, Občina Polzela, Polzela, poruzera, ポルゼラ, its latitude is 46.2833300, and longitude 15.0666700.

Polzela population is 2.380 people, this area timezone is Europe/Ljubljana (Europe/Ljubljana_cet).

If you travel to Polzela you can enjoy jet skiing around Slovenia.


More details about Polzela in Slovenia (SI)

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

Polzela zip code is 3313, this is why if you want to send anything to your family by post on your tripthis can be done by using the zip code as described.

Its dimension is 34 sq. kilometers so it is quitely small area suggested travel destination for travelers that are searching for relaxing destinations as an economic location to travel to, an incredibly quite city with no confusion common in large metropolis. If you stay in this town you can save money due to Polzela economic room costs, and for this reason you and your travel companions could use it like base if you want to visit all Slovenia and Polzela near adventures.

Polzela height above sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 288 meters. For this reason this is the perfect trip destination if you and friends love flat areas to go to for your next vacation.

If you like to see the sea, rivers or lakes while travelling you will be happy to know that you have the following lakes, rivers or sea very close to Polzela. Bodies of water like Savinja must be visited if you want to visit cities where you can find water.

If you want more detailed information about this city see their official website http://www.polzela.si/.

Polzela things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • jet skiing.

    Interactive Polzela (Slovenia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Polzela, Slovenia (SI).