
Info about Märsta, Stockholm (Sweden)

Märsta is a site of Stockholm, and country is Sweden (SE).

It is also called Marsta, Mershha, Mersta, Meršta, Märsta, mai shen ta, mashta, Мерста, Мерща, ماشتا, 迈什塔, its latitude is 59.6215700, and its longitude 17.8547600.

In Märsta are settled 29.433 people, its timezone is Europe/Stockholm (Europe/Stockholm_cet).

If you travel to Märsta you can enjoy mosques around Sweden.


More details about Märsta in Sweden (SE)

It is the capital of Sigtuna Municipality.

Märsta time zone is UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

In Märsta there are 29.433 people, related to 2019 census. Do You are looking to have a call local telephone numbers. You can use 8 as local dialing code for local phone numbers.

Its size is 802 sq. km. great if you want to visit a big city, busy full of attractions and activities to do. If you stay here you can find high budget accommodations because of their very high hotel rates, and for this reason you may find Märsta as your basecamp in order to getting the comfort of luxury tired by visiting this big city.

Märsta altitude above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 19 mt. For this Märsta the perfect trip destination if you and your family want plain ground to travel to for your next vacation.

Märsta things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques.

    Interactive Märsta (Sweden) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Märsta, Stockholm Sweden (SE).