
Info about Onon, Hentiy Aymag (Mongolia)

Onon is a region in Hentiy Aymag, in Mongolia (MN).

Also called Binder, Bindiryaa, Bindiryaa Suma, Bindur somon, Bindur’ya sumu, Bindurya, Bindurya-Somon, Bindur’ya sumu, Onon, Онон, its latitude is 48.6166700, and longitude is 110.6000000.

In Onon are settled 72.609 occupants, this area timezone is Asia/Ulaanbaatar (Asia/Ulaanbaatar_cet).

Onon is popular for paddle, historical sites, theme parks, rafting, ancient ruins, water parks, slopes, rivers, nature reserves, amusement parks, national parks, parks, playgrounds, treasure hunts, geological formations, fishing, canoeing, desert, secret, islands, monuments, forest, mountains, climbing, adventure parks, religious sites, swimming, adventure, cemeteries, events, music, museums, off-road trails, countryside, lakes, gardens, water sports, architectural buildings in Mongolia.


More details about Onon in Mongolia (MN)

It is located in time zone UTC+08:00 (for standard time).

Population of Onon is 72.609 residents, if we consider 2015 census.

Its square area is 80325 sq. kilometers, so Onon is a relatively large city, crowdy full of distractions or activities to do. If you stay here you may find expensive accommodations because of its high room costs, and this is why you could enjoy Onon like your base if you want to relax after visiting the big city.

Onon elevation above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 0 mt. For this reason this city is a perfect trip destination if you like being near the sea.

Near Onon you can find very friendly places like Zabaykalsky Krai, Sükhbaatar Province, Dornod Province, Dornogovi Province, Govisümber Province, Töv Province, Selenge Province, Baganuur. As those cities are very close to Onon you and your friends can effortlessly travel to these other destinations to visit to visit new things.

If you need other information for Onon have a look at Onon official website http://khentii.mn.

Onon things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • paddle, historical sites, theme parks, rafting, ancient ruins, water parks, slopes, rivers, nature reserves, amusement parks, national parks, parks, playgrounds, treasure hunts, geological formations, fishing, canoeing, desert, secret, islands, monuments, forest, mountains, climbing, adventure parks, religious sites, swimming, adventure, cemeteries, events, music, museums, off-road trails, countryside, lakes, gardens, water sports, architectural buildings.

    Interactive Onon (Mongolia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Onon, Hentiy Aymag Mongolia (MN).