
Info about Pelabuhanratu, Jawa Barat (Indonesia)

Pelabuhanratu is a district of Jawa Barat, located in Indonesia (ID).

Pelabuhanratu names are also Palaboehan, Palaboehanratoe, Palabuanratu, Palabuhan, Palabuhanratu, Palakoehanratoe, Pelabuanratu, Pelabuhanratu, Plabuhanratu, its latitude is -6.9875000, and longitude 106.5513900.

Pelabuhanratu population is 43.001 occupants, this city timezone is Asia/Jakarta (Asia/Jakarta_cet).

Considered best destination for fishing in Indonesia.


More details about Pelabuhanratu in Indonesia (ID)

Pelabuhanratu zip code is 1xxxx, 4xxxx, this is why for sending postcards to your family from Pelabuhanratu you can use this code as per description above.

Its dimension is 35377 sq. kilometers ideal for people who like metropolies, busy with a lot of attractions and activities to do. In Pelabuhanratu you can find high budget accommodations due to its very high accommodation rates, and this is why you could find it as your base to relaxing in luxury tired by going around the city.

Pelabuhanratu height above sea level, that is meters above sea level (MASL), should be around 21 meters. That is why this is the perfect place when you and firends love flat land to see in your next holiday.

Shares borders with very friendly places like Central Java, Banten, Jakarta. As those cities are very close to Pelabuhanratu you can effortlessly visit those close destinations for new Indonesia adventures.

If you like to see the sea, rivers or lakes in a city you will be happy to find out that there are this lakes or rivers or sea near Pelabuhanratu. Places like Indian Ocean, Java Sea must be seen if you and your friends like destinations with near water bodies.

For information on Pelabuhanratu please have a look at Pelabuhanratu official webpage

Pelabuhanratu things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • fishing.

    Interactive Pelabuhanratu (Indonesia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Pelabuhanratu, Jawa Barat Indonesia (ID).