San Pedro

Info about San Pedro, Departamento de Antioquia (Colombia)

San Pedro region is Departamento de Antioquia, in country Colombia (CO).

Alternate names are San Pedro, latitude is 6.4613500, and longitude is -75.5577800.

With a population of 28.438 occupiers, San Pedro timezone is America/Bogota (America/Bogota_cet).

Things you can do in San Pedro are hammam, spa, cemeteries, wine bars, treasure hunts, disco, clubs, wellness, snorkeling, aquariums, art galleries, turkish baths, bars, festival, escape room, towers, cathedrals, churches, fountains, shooting ranges around Colombia.


More details about San Pedro in Colombia (CO)

San Pedro size is 229 sq. km., great if you want to visit a medium size city, in our opinion a city worth a visit. In San Pedro you save money because of their low room costs, so for this reason you can have it as base if you want to move across Colombia or San Pedro near things to do.

Its elevation above mean sea level, technically meters above sea level (MASL), is around 2501 meters. This is why this city is an ideal place if you and friends like high land to travel to for your next holiday and want to do winter sports when travelling in a new place.

If you’re looking for detailed data on San Pedro have a look at their official webpage

San Pedro things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hammam, spa, cemeteries, wine bars, treasure hunts, disco, clubs, wellness, snorkeling, aquariums, art galleries, turkish baths, bars, festival, escape room, towers, cathedrals, churches, fountains, shooting ranges.

    Interactive San Pedro (Colombia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of San Pedro, Departamento de Antioquia Colombia (CO).