
Info about Lecherías, Estado Anzoátegui (Venezuela)

Lecherías is a quarter in Estado Anzoátegui, in Venezuela (VE).

It is also called El Morro de Barcelona, La Lecheria, La Lechería, Lecheria, Lecherias, Lecherías, its latitude is 10.1916700, and its longitude is -64.6920700.

With a population of 1.440.875 citizens, its timezone is America/Caracas (America/Caracas_cet).

Lecherías is famous for trail running around Venezuela.


More details about Lecherías in Venezuela (VE)

Lecherías time zone is UTC−04:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Lecherías there are 1.440.875 citizens, according to 2011 census.

Its dimensions are 43300 square kilometers, ideal for travelling to big cities, crowdy full of attractions or entertainment. If you stay here you may find expensive accommodations because of Lecherías high room costs, and this is why you can find it as base in order to relaxing in luxury after visiting this city.

Lecherías meters above mean sea level, that is meters above sea level (MASL), counts 292 mt. For this it is an ideal trip destination when you and firends love flat ground to go to for your next trip.

Cities near Lecherías that you can visit are very cool cities like Sucre, Monagas, Bolívar, Guárico, Miranda. For this reason you and your friends may effortlessly visit these close surroundings for new destinations in Venezuela.

For more detailed information about Lecherías you can have a look at Lecherías official website http://www.venezuelatuya.com/estados/anzoategui.htm.

Lecherías things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • trail running.

    Interactive Lecherías (Venezuela) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Lecherías, Estado Anzoátegui Venezuela (VE).