
Info about Calvin, Oklahoma (United States)

Calvin region is Oklahoma, located in United States (US).

Calvin is also called Calvin, Riverview, latitude is 34.9678700, and longitude is -96.2486200.

In Calvin are settled 279 occupiers, its timezone is America/Chicago (America/Chicago_cet).

Calvin is one of the best destinations for windsurfing in United States.


More details about Calvin in United States (US)

Population of Calvin is 279 folks, if we consider 2000 last census. You are looking to have a call local telephones? You can call phone numbers by dialing 405 as local dialing code. It’s zip code is 74531, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your family by post in Calvin you can use this zip code as per description above.

Calvin dimension is 1 km2, so it is quitely quiet city an ideal location for trippers that like small places as their base location on a travel, a quiet area with no confusion common of large urban areas. If you stay here you save money because of their low housing prices, so this is why you and your travel companions may use it as base in order to visit all United States and Calvin near cities.

Its elevation above mean sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 232 mt. Because of this this city is a perfect trip destination if you and your family like flat land to travel to in your next holiday.

Calvin things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • windsurfing.

    Interactive Calvin (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Calvin, Oklahoma United States (US).