
Info about Solon, Ohio (United States)

Solon region is Ohio, Cuyahoga County, in United States (US).

Solon is also called Solon, Soulon, swlwn, swlwn awhayw, Солон, Соулон, سولون, سولون، اوهایو, latitude is 41.3897800, and its longitude is -81.4412300.

In Solon live 23.348 people, this city timezone is America/New_York (America/New_York_cet).

Solon is popular for swimming in all United States.


More details about Solon in United States (US)

Do You are looking to use telephone for calling local telephone numbers. Local dialing code for Solon is 440. It’s postal code is 44139, for this reason, for post delivery from Solon it can be used this post code as described.

Its area is 53 square km., so Solon is ideal for people who like medium-sized cities, definitely a place worth a visit. If you book an accommodation in Solon you can find cheap accommodations because of their cheap room rates, and this is why you could have Solon like your basecamp if you want to move across United States and Solon near adventures.

Its meters above mean sea level specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 317 mt. Because of this it is a perfect travel destination if you and your friends want high ground to travel to in your next holiday and love climbing when tripping far away.

Solon near cities are for example cities like Moreland Hills. As those cities are very close to Solon you and your family may in few time reach these close destinations to see other destinations in United States.

For information on Solon go to their official website

Solon things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • swimming.

    Interactive Solon (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Solon, Ohio Cuyahoga County United States (US).