Info about Pavilion, New York (United States)
Pavilion is a village in New York, Genesee County, in United States (US).
its latitude is 42.8761700, and longitude is -78.0227900.
Its population is 2.495 inhabitants, this location timezone is America/New_York (America/New_York_cet).
Pavilion is a popular destination for gardens, hammam, skateboard, zoo over United States.
More details about Pavilion in United States (US)
In Pavilion there are 2.495 inhabitants, if we consider 2010 census. You want to use telephone for calling local telephone numbers. Use 585 if you wish to call local phone numbers. Pavilion zip code is 14525, for this reason, for post delivery it can be used this postal code as explained.
Its dimension is 35 km2, so it is counted as nicely relaxing city good place for people that are interested in quiet cities as a cheap base to travel to, an incredibly calm countryside with no confusion common in big cities. If you stay here you can save money due to their cheap accommodation rates, so this is why you and your friends could use Pavilion as basecamp in order to move across United States or Pavilion near places.
Pavilion elevation above mean sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 303 meters. For this this city is a perfect travel destination if you and your beloved ones want high areas to go to for your next trip and want to do sports on top of mountains when you are on holiday in a new country.
Pavilion things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Pavilion (United States) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Pavilion, New York Genesee County United States (US).