
Info about Solomon, Kansas (United States)

Solomon is a city of Kansas, Dickinson County, with country United States (US).

It is also called Solomon, Solomon City, Wiskapella, its latitude is 38.9194400, and its longitude -97.3711400.

In Solomon live 1.095 folks, this area timezone is America/Chicago (America/Chicago_cet).

If you travel to Solomon you can enjoy art galleries, mosques, churches in United States.


More details about Solomon in United States (US)

In Solomon there are 1.095 folks, considering 2010 census. Do You are looking to use telephone for calling local telephones! Use 785 if you wish to call local phone numbers. Solomon postal code is 67480, then for post delivery this can be done by using the code as per description.

Its dimensions are 2 km2 this is why Solomon should be nicely small city ideal place for trippers that like quiet places for a good location on a travel, an incredibly quite countryside area without confusion common in big metropolis. In this town you save money because of its low housing costs, so this is why you can have Solomon like base to move across United States and Solomon near places.

Solomon meters above sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 357 meters. For this it is the ideal travel destination when you and your partner love high mountains to go to in your next holiday and love trekking while on a vacation away from home.

Solomon things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • art galleries, mosques, churches.

    Interactive Solomon (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Solomon, Kansas Dickinson County United States (US).