Hacienda Heights

Info about Hacienda Heights, California (United States)

Hacienda Heights region is California, located in United States (US).

Hacienda Heights is also called Khacijenda Khajts, asiendahaicheu, asynda hayts kalyfrnya, ha xian da gang, hyasi’enda ha’itsa, Хацијенда Хајтс, آسیندا هایتس، کالیفرنیا, ह्यासिएन्डा हाइट्स, 哈仙達崗, 아시엔다하이츠, latitude is 33.9930700, and its longitude -117.9686800.

In Hacienda Heights are located 54.038 inhabitants, this region timezone is America/Los_Angeles (America/Los_Angeles_cet).

Hacienda Heights is a popular travel destination for religious sites in United States.


More details about Hacienda Heights in United States (US)

It’s time zone is Pacific Time Zone (for standard time).

It’s population is 54.038 people, related to 2010 latest census. Do You need to use telephone for calling local telephone numbers! You can call phone numbers by dialing 626 as local dialing code. It’s postal code is 91745, then for post delivery on your tripthis can be done by using this zip code as explained.

Hacienda Heights dimension is 28 sq. kilometers so Hacienda Heights is nicely calm town a nice travel destination for trippers that are searching for relaxing cities for a cheap base to sleep, an incredibly calm place with no confusion common of large metropolis. If you stay here you save money due to Hacienda Heights low hotel prices, and for this reason you may use it like a base to visit all United States or Hacienda Heights near places.

Its meters above sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), should be around 138 meters. Because of this it is the ideal travel destination when you and your partner love flat land to see in your next holiday.

From Hacienda Heights you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, cities like La Habra Heights. So you and your family may very quickly visit those other destinations for new adventures.

Hacienda Heights things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • religious sites.

    Interactive Hacienda Heights (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Hacienda Heights, California United States (US).