
Info about Ward, Arkansas (United States)

Ward is a village in Arkansas, Lonoke County, with country United States (US).

its latitude is 35.0303600, and longitude is -91.9504200.

In Ward are located 4.000 inhabitants, this city timezone is America/Chicago (America/Chicago_cet).

If you travel to Ward you can enjoy snow tubing, spa in United States.


More details about Ward in United States (US)

In Ward live 4.000 inhabitants, according to 2010 latest census. You want to have a call local telephone numbers. You can use 501 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. Ward zip code is 72176, so if you want to send anything to anyone by post on your tripit can be used 72176 zip as per description.

Its square area is 10 sq. kilometers, so it is quitely relaxing city ideal travel destination for who like small cities for location to travel to, an incredibly quite area with no confusion common of large metropolis. In this town you can find cheap hotels due to Ward low accommodation prices, so this is why you and your friends can have Ward like your base to visit all United States or Ward near cities.

Ward height above mean sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 74 meters above sea. That is why this is an ideal trip destination when you want flat ground to see in your next travel.

If you’re looking for information on Ward please check its official webpage http://www.bestofward.com/.

Ward things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • snow tubing, spa.

    Interactive Ward (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ward, Arkansas Lonoke County United States (US).