
Info about Iliamna, Alaska (United States)

Iliamna region is Alaska, located in United States (US).

Alternate names are ILI, Iliamna, Tevyaraq, latitude is 59.7568000, and longitude is -154.9110800.

With a population of 109 people, its timezone is America/Anchorage (America/Anchorage_cet).

Some of the things you can do if you travel to Iliamna are lakes around United States.


More details about Iliamna in United States (US)

Located in time zone Alaska Time Zone (during standard time).

It’s zip code is 99606, 99647, for this reason, for post delivery in Iliamna this can be done by using 99606, 99647 postal code as described.

Iliamna size is 97 sq. km., great if you want to visit a medium size city, in our opinion a town worth visiting. If you book an accommodation in Iliamna you save money because of Iliamna cheap housing rates, and this is why you could have it like your base to visit all United States and Iliamna near adventures.

Its elevation above mean sea level, basically meters above sea level (MASL), is about 47 meters. This is why this city is a perfect travel destination when you and family love flat ground to go to in your next holiday.

Iliamna things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • lakes.

    Interactive Iliamna (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Iliamna, Alaska United States (US).