
Info about Southside, Alabama (United States)

Southside is a locality in Alabama, and country is United States (US).

Also called Smoke Neck, Southside, its latitude is 33.9245400, and its longitude is -86.0224700.

With 8.412 residents, its timezone is America/Chicago (America/Chicago_cet).

Southside is famous for activities like nightlife, disco, clubs in United States.


More details about Southside in United States (US)

It’s population is 8.412 residents, if we consider 2010 latest census. Do You want to have a call local phones! You can use 256 as local dialing code for phone numbers. Southside postal code is 35907, for this reason, if you want to send anything to family by post from Southside you can use the zip code as per description.

Its size is 49 sq. kilometers, so Southside is quitely small area , good trip destination for travelers that like relaxing places as a cheap base to stay, an incredibly quite countryside area with no distractions that characterizes large metropolis. If you stay here you save money because of its economic room rates, so this is why you and your travel companions may have it as base in order to move across United States or Southside near places.

Southside meters above mean sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 189 mt. For this reason it is a perfect trip destination when you and your partner love plain areas to visit in your next vacation.

Southside things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • nightlife, disco, clubs.

    Interactive Southside (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Southside, Alabama United States (US).