
Info about Dale, Wales (United Kingdom)

Dale region is Wales, Pembrokeshire, in United Kingdom (GB).

Alternate names are Dale, latitude is 51.7091700, and its longitude -5.1733300.

Things you can do in Dale are windsurfing, rafting, abseiling, trail running, diving, valleys, scuba diving, nature reserves, therms, adventure, scenic roads in all United Kingdom.


More details about Dale in United Kingdom (GB)

Its meters above sea level, also called meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is over 0 meters. This is why it is the perfect travel destination if you and partner love seaside areas.

From Dale you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, very friendly places like Herbrandston. As those cities are very close to Dale you and your family can very quickly travel to those other destinations for new adventures.

Dale things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • windsurfing, rafting, abseiling, trail running, diving, valleys, scuba diving, nature reserves, therms, adventure, scenic roads.

    Interactive Dale (United Kingdom) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Dale, Wales Pembrokeshire United Kingdom (GB).