
Info about Pendleton, England (United Kingdom)

Pendleton region is England, Lancashire, Ribble Valley District, in United Kingdom (GB).

Alternate names are Pendleton, latitude is 53.8500000, and its longitude -2.3666700.

In Pendleton you can go for water skiing in United Kingdom.


More details about Pendleton in United Kingdom (GB)

Do You are looking to have a call local phone numbers? If you want to call local numbers in Pendleton you can use 1200 as local dialing code. It’s postal code is BB7, this is why if you want to send anything to friends by post on your tripthis can be done by using the zip code as per description above.

Its altitude above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is over 0 meters. This is why Pendleton is the perfect trip destination if you and friends like sea places.

Pendleton things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • water skiing.

    Interactive Pendleton (United Kingdom) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Pendleton, England Lancashire United Kingdom (GB).