Canvey Island

Info about Canvey Island, England (United Kingdom)

Canvey Island region is England, Essex, Castle Point District, with country United Kingdom (GB).

Canvey Island is also called Canvey saar, Kanvi, Oilean Canvey, Oileán Canvey, jzyrkh kanwy, Канви, جزیرخ کانوی, latitude is 51.5219900, and longitude 0.5809000.

With 37.000 inhabitants, its timezone is Europe/London (Europe/London_cet).

In Canvey Island you can go for islands, docks around United Kingdom.


More details about Canvey Island in United Kingdom (GB)

It’s time zone is UTC±00:00 (for standard time).

You want to use telephone for calling local numbers? You can call phone numbers by dialing 1268 as local dialing code. It’s zip code is SS8, this is why for post delivery on your tripyou can use SS8 post code as per description above.

Canvey Island dimension is 18 sq. kilometers so it is nicely quiet area suggested location for travelers that like relaxing destinations for a good location to stay, an incredibly quite countryside without distractions common of big urban areas. If you stay in this town you can find cheap accommodations because of Canvey Island low housing costs, and for this reason you and your friends could have Canvey Island as basecamp if you want to move across United Kingdom or Canvey Island near cities.

Its elevation above sea level called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 0 mt. Because of this this city is the perfect travel destination when you and firends like to do a trip near the sea.

There are rivers, lakes or sea in Canvey Island. Destinations like River Thames are a must when you like destinations with a lot of water.

If you want detailed information on Canvey Island please visit Canvey Island official website

Canvey Island things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • islands, docks.

    Interactive Canvey Island (United Kingdom) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Canvey Island, England Essex United Kingdom (GB).