
Info about Burshtyn, (Ukraine)

Burshtyn is also called Ambar, Ambr, Ambre, Boersjtyn, Bourchtyn, Burschtyn, Burshtin, Burshtyn, Bursjtyn, Burstin, Burstina, Burstron, Burstyn, Bursztyn, Burştın, Burština, Burštyn, Burștîn, Gintaras, Ho phach, Hổ phách, Jantar, Jantar’, Merevaik, Meripihka, Raf, Rav, Sucino, Sukceno, ampar, burushutin, bwrshtyn, bwrstyn, hobag, hu po, kohaku, Âmbar, Бурштин, Бурштын, Янтарь, Բուրշտին, בורשטין, بورشتين, بورشتین, அம்பர், ბურშტინი, コハク, ブルシュティン, 琥珀, 호박, latitude is 49.2586700, and longitude is 24.6277700.

In Burshtyn there are 15.039 inhabitants, its timezone is Europe/Kiev (Europe/Kiev_cet).

In Burshtyn you can enjoy activities like cemeteries in Ukraine.


More details about Burshtyn in Ukraine (UA)

It’s time zone is UTC+02:00 (in standard time).

Population for Burshtyn is 15.039 residents, considering 2019 latest census. You want to dial local telephone numbers. You can use 3438 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 77111, so if you want to send anything to anyone via post from Burshtyn it can be used 77111 zip as per description above.

Burshtyn size is 32 km2, so it appears to be very calm area ideal place for people that are interested in quiet destinations for a good base location to sleep, an incredibly quite city with no confusion that characterizes big cities. If you stay in this town you can save money due to Burshtyn cheap accommodation prices, so this is why you and your travel companions may have it like your basecamp in order to visit all Ukraine or Burshtyn near places.

Its height above mean sea level basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 243 meters. Because of this this is an ideal destination if you and partner want flat ground to go to in your next trip.

If you are searching for other information on Burshtyn please check its website http://burshtyn.br.if.ua.

Burshtyn things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • cemeteries.

    Interactive Burshtyn (Ukraine) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Burshtyn, Ukraine (UA).