
Info about Saki, Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine)

Saki region is Autonomous Republic of Crimea, located in Ukraine (UA).

Alternate names are Sakai, Saki, Sako, Sakî, Sakõ, Saq, Szaki, sa ji, Σάκι, Саки, Սակի, საკი, 薩基, latitude is 45.1342400, and longitude 33.5999600.

In Saki live 24.727 residents, this region timezone is Europe/Simferopol (Europe/Simferopol_cet).

Saki is popular for bodyboard, surf, kiteboarding, windsurfing, wakeboard, kitesurfing in Ukraine.


More details about Saki in Ukraine (UA)

It is the capital of Saky Raion.

Located in time zone UTC+02:00 (during standard time).

In Saki live 24.727 residents, considering 2019 census. It’s zip code is 96500-6509, then for post delivery in Saki you can use this code as per description.

Its area is 29 sq. km. this is why it seems to be nicely calm area a nice travel destination for people that are interested in relaxing places as location to stay, a quiet place with no confusion typical of big cities. If you book an accommodation in Saki you can save money because of their economic accommodation costs, and this is why you and your friends may use Saki like a base if you want to move across Ukraine or Saki near adventures.

Its elevation above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 10 meters above sea. This is why this city is the ideal travel destination when you like to swim in the sea.

Saki near cities are for example Saky Raion. For this reason you and your family may in few time visit these other trip destinations for new destinations in Ukraine.

You can see lakes, rivers and sea in Saki. Destinations like Black Sea its worth visiting when you are interested in destinations with water.

For extra information about Saki check their official website

Saki things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • bodyboard, surf, kiteboarding, windsurfing, wakeboard, kitesurfing.

    Interactive Saki (Ukraine) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Saki, Autonomous Republic of Crimea Ukraine (UA).