
Info about Koktebel, Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine)

Koktebel is a town in Autonomous Republic of Crimea, with country Ukraine (UA).

Koktebel names are also Koktebel, Koktebel’, Коктебель, its latitude is 44.9615500, and its longitude is 35.2466000.

In Koktebel live 2.807 inhabitants, this place timezone is Europe/Simferopol (Europe/Simferopol_cet).

If you travel to Koktebel you can enjoy beaches, festival, volcanoes, swimming, water parks, scuba diving, diving, surf, events, kayaking in all Ukraine.


More details about Koktebel in Ukraine (UA)

It has timezone UTC+02:00 (in standard time).

In Koktebel live 2.807 inhabitants, if we consider 2014 latest census. Koktebel postal code is 98186, for this reason, for post delivery on your tripthis can be done by using this code as described.

Its dimensions are 8 km2, this is why Koktebel is nicely small town an ideal destination for who are interested in quiet places as a good location on a travel, a quiet countryside without confusion typical of large urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Koktebel you save money because of their low housing rates, and for this reason you and your travel companions can have Koktebel as a base in order to visit all Ukraine and Koktebel near places.

Koktebel altitude above mean sea level basically meters above sea level (MASL), is over 30 meters. That is why Koktebel a perfect travel destination when you and firends love flat land to travel to for your next travel.

You can find lakes, rivers and sea very close to Koktebel. Destinations like Black Sea are a must if you are interested in cities with a lot of water.

Koktebel things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • beaches, festival, volcanoes, swimming, water parks, scuba diving, diving, surf, events, kayaking.

    Interactive Koktebel (Ukraine) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Koktebel, Autonomous Republic of Crimea Ukraine (UA).