
Info about Apac, Northern Region (Uganda)

Apac region is Northern Region, in Uganda (UG).

Other names for Apac are Apac, Apach, latitude is 1.9755600, and its longitude 32.5386100.

Apac population is 11.776 citizenry, this location timezone is Africa/Kampala (Africa/Kampala_cet).

Apac is one of the best destinations for wellness in Uganda.


More details about Apac in Uganda (UG)

Apac has timezone UTC+03:00 (valid for standard time).

Its meters above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), is 1020 meters. That’s why it is the ideal destination when you and firends want high mountains to visit for your next trip and love mountain rails when you are relaxing somewhere in the world.

Apac things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wellness.

    Interactive Apac (Uganda) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Apac, Northern Region Uganda (UG).