
Info about Yunak, Konya (Turkey)

Yunak is a of Konya, with country Turkey (TR).

It is also called Yunak, its latitude is 38.8141800, and its longitude 31.7322300.

With 23.093 occupants, its timezone is Europe/Istanbul (Europe/Istanbul_cet).

In Yunak you can do caves in all Turkey.


More details about Yunak in Turkey (TR)

Yunak time zone is UTC+03:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Yunak there are 23.093 occupants, considering 2018 latest census. Do You want to have a call local phone numbers. You can call phone numbers by dialing 332 as local dialing code. Yunak postal code is 53000–53999, then if you want to send anything to friends by post from Yunak it can be used 53000–53999 zip code as described above.

Its dimensions are 2998 square kilometers ideal for travelling to big cities, busy full of things to do and entertainment. In Yunak you may find expensive accommodations because of their high accommodation costs, so for this reason you could find Yunak as your base if you want to getting the comfort of luxury after visiting the big city.

Yunak altitude above sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 1031 meters. For this Yunak is the ideal trip destination if you and your partner want high land to go to in your next vacation or are willing to do adventure in the nature if travelling to see a new place.

If you want information on this city please check its website

Yunak things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • caves.

    Interactive Yunak (Turkey) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Yunak, Konya Turkey (TR).