
Info about Ilgın, Konya (Turkey)

Ilgın is a city of Konya, in Turkey (TR).

Ilgın names are also Ilgin, Ilgın, Tyriaeum, its latitude is 38.2791700, and its longitude 31.9138900.

Ilgın population is 54.622 citizens, its timezone is Europe/Istanbul (Europe/Istanbul_cet).

Best destination for therms over Turkey.


More details about Ilgın in Turkey (TR)

It has timezone UTC+03:00 (for standard time).

In Ilgın live 54.622 citizens, related to 2018 latest census. Do You want to use telephone for calling local telephones? If you want to call local numbers in Ilgın you can use 332 as local dialing code. Ilgın postal code is 53000–53999, this is why for post delivery in Ilgın you can use 53000–53999 zip code as described above.

Ilgın meters above sea level also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 1030 meters above sea. That is why it is the perfect travel destination when you and firends like high land to see in your next travel and want to do hiking while on a vacation to see a new place.

If you want more information on this city please visit Ilgın official website

Ilgın things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • therms.

    Interactive Ilgın (Turkey) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ilgın, Konya Turkey (TR).