
Info about Erdek, Balıkesir (Turkey)

Erdek is a place of Balıkesir, in country Turkey (TR).

It is also called Artace, Artaki, Erdek, Erdeku, ardk, اردک, its latitude is 40.3996000, and longitude 27.7934800.

In Erdek are settled 32.963 inhabitants, this area timezone is Europe/Istanbul (Europe/Istanbul_cet).

Best destination for biking, nightlife, islands in Turkey.


More details about Erdek in Turkey (TR)

It’s official name is Balıkesir (10).

Erdek time zone is UTC+03:00 (in standard time).

In Erdek there are 32.963 inhabitants, considering 2018 census. You are looking to have a call local numbers! Use 266 if you wish to call local phone numbers. Erdek zip code is 10000–10999, then if you want to send anything by post from Erdek you can use the zip code as per description above.

Its size is 14442 km2 great if you want to visit a large city, busy full of distractions or entertainment. In this city you can find expensive hotels because of Erdek high rooms rates, so this is why you can enjoy Erdek like your basecamp in order to find SPAs and Thermal baths tired by going around this big city.

Erdek height above sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL), should be around 0 mt. For this this is the ideal trip destination if you and your partner love sea places.

If you’re looking for other information about Erdek please have a look at Erdek website

Erdek things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • biking, nightlife, islands.

    Interactive Erdek (Turkey) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Erdek, Balıkesir Turkey (TR).