
Info about Seyhan, Adana (Turkey)

Seyhan is a village of Adana, situated in Turkey (TR).

It is also called Sejg’an, Sejkhan, Seyhan, syhan, Сейгьан, Сейхан, سيحان, ضلع سیحان, its latitude is 36.9874700, and longitude 35.3059200.

In Seyhan are settled 793.480 natives, this city timezone is Europe/Istanbul (Europe/Istanbul_cet).

Seyhan is one of the top destinations for mosques, rivers, bridges over Turkey.


More details about Seyhan in Turkey (TR)

It’s official name is Seyhan (01).

Seyhan time zone is UTC+03:00 (in standard time).

In Seyhan there are 793.480 natives, considering 2018 census. You want to use telephone for calling local phones? You can call phone numbers by dialing 90 as local dialing code. Seyhan zip code is 01355, then for post delivery you can use 01355 zip as explained.

Its size is 501 km2 great if you want to visit a large city, busy with a lot of attractions or entertainment. If you book an accommodation in Seyhan you may spend big money due to their very high accommodation costs, and this is why you may enjoy it as base if you want to getting the comfort of luxury after visiting the metropolis.

Seyhan height above sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL) is 23 meters. For this this is the ideal travel destination if you like flat areas to visit in your next holiday.

For more information about Seyhan please visit Seyhan official website

Seyhan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques, rivers, bridges.

    Interactive Seyhan (Turkey) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Seyhan, Adana Turkey (TR).