
Info about Haffouz, Gouvernorat de Kairouan (Tunisia)

Haffouz is a place of Gouvernorat de Kairouan, Haffouz, in country Tunisia (TN).

Also called Haffouz, Haffuz, Pichon, Ḩaffūz, its latitude is 35.6323500, and its longitude 9.6762400.

In Haffouz are settled 7.765 citizens, its timezone is Africa/Tunis (Africa/Tunis_cet).

Haffouz is one of the top destinations for biking in Tunisia.


More details about Haffouz in Tunisia (TN)

Haffouz postal code is 3130, this is why for post delivery from Haffouz you can use 3130 postal code as described.

Haffouz altitude above sea level technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 0 meters. For this reason Haffouz is the perfect travel destination if you like to do a sea travel.

Haffouz things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • biking.

    Interactive Haffouz (Tunisia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Haffouz, Gouvernorat de Kairouan Haffouz Tunisia (TN).