Pak Chom

Info about Pak Chom, Changwat Loei (Thailand)

Pak Chom region is Changwat Loei, and country is Thailand (TH).

Other names for Pak Chom are Amphoe Pak Chom, Ban Pak Chom, Ban Pak Sohm, King Amphoe Pak Chom, Pak Chaum, Pak Chom, Pāk Chaum, pakchm, ปากชม, latitude is 18.0206100, and its longitude 101.8982800.

Pak Chom has a population of 642.773 residents, this location timezone is Asia/Bangkok (Asia/Bangkok_cet).

Some of the activities you can do in Pak Chom are secret around Thailand.


More details about Pak Chom in Thailand (TH)

In Pak Chom there are 642.773 residents, related to 2018 last census. It’s postal code is 42, this is why for post delivery in Pak Chom you can use the zip as per description above.

Pak Chom dimensions are 11424 square km. good if you like to visit a metropolis, crowdy with a lot of things to do or entertainment. If you book an accommodation in Pak Chom you may find expensive accommodations due to Pak Chom very high hotel costs, and this is why you may find it as a base in order to relax after walking this big city.

Its meters above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is about 0 meters. That’s why it is the perfect travel destination if you and your partner like to do a sea travel.

Near cities are for example Nong Khai, Udon Thani, Nong Bua Lam Phu, Khon Kaen, Phetchabun, Phitsanulok. As those cities are very close you and your family could easily travel to these close destinations for new destinations in Thailand.

For more detailed data for this city please visit its official website

Pak Chom things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • secret.

    Interactive Pak Chom (Thailand) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Pak Chom, Changwat Loei Thailand (TH).