
Info about Lampang, (Thailand)

Lampang is also called Amphoe Muang Lampang, Amphoe Mueang Lampang, Changwat Lampang, Changwat Muang Lampang, Changwat Muang Nagorn Lambang, LPT, Lakhon, Lakhon Lampang, Lampang, Lampangas, Muang Lakhon Lampang, Muang Lampang, Muang Nagorn Lambang, Muang Nakon Lampang, Mueang Lampang, Nakawn, Nakawn Lampang, Nakhon Lampang, Nakon Lampang, Nakorn Lampang, lampang, lamppang, lapang, lympyng, thesbal nkhr lapang, Лампанг, لامپانگ, لیمپینگ, ลำปาง, เทศบาลนครลำปาง, ལམ་པང་།, 람빵, latitude is 18.2923200, and longitude 99.4927700.

In Lampang are located 55.044 residents, this place timezone is Asia/Bangkok (Asia/Bangkok_cet).

In Lampang you can go for volcanoes, abseiling, farms, hiking trails, mountains, hiking, walking trails, horse trails, climbing, countryside, walkways, geological formations, valleys, hunting, mines, forest, therms, ranches, secret, national parks, nature reserves, festival over Thailand.


More details about Lampang in Thailand (TH)

It is the capital of Lampang.

It’s time zone is UTC+07:00 (in standard time).

Population of Lampang is 55.044 citizens, if we consider 2014 latest census. You need to have a call local telephone numbers? You can use 54 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 52, this is why if you want to send anything to anyone by post on your travel this can be done by using 52 code as per description above.

Lampang dimensions are 22 km2 for this reason it should be quitely calm place a good destination for people that are searching for relaxing cities for an economic base to travel to, an incredibly calm place without loudness typical of large urban areas. In Lampang you save money due to its cheap hotel costs, so for this reason you and your friends can use Lampang as basecamp in order to move across Thailand or Lampang near places.

Its elevation above sea level, basically meters above sea level (MASL), is 0 mt. Because of this this city is the perfect trip destination if you and your family like being near the sea.

From Lampang you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, for example Chiang Rai, Phayao, Phrae, Sukhothai, Tak, Lamphun, Chiang Mai. This is why you and your friends may effortlessly reach these near surroundings to visit new things.

For more information for Lampang please visit their official website

Lampang things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • volcanoes, abseiling, farms, hiking trails, mountains, hiking, walking trails, horse trails, climbing, countryside, walkways, geological formations, valleys, hunting, mines, forest, therms, ranches, secret, national parks, nature reserves, festival.

    Interactive Lampang (Thailand) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Lampang, Thailand (TH).