Mae Suai

Info about Mae Suai, Changwat Chiang Rai (Thailand)

Mae Suai region is Changwat Chiang Rai, in Thailand (TH).

Other names for Mae Suai are Amphoe Mae Suai, Ban Mae Suai, Ban Mea Suai, Ban Mesrewy, Bān Mea Suai, Mae Suai, Mae Suai Muang Pok, Mesuai, Mēsūai, แม่สรวย, latitude is 19.6563300, and longitude is 99.5436700.

Mae Suai population is 1.292.130 inhabitants, its timezone is Asia/Bangkok (Asia/Bangkok_cet).

Things you can do in Mae Suai are off-road trails in Thailand.


More details about Mae Suai in Thailand (TH)

In Mae Suai there are 1.292.130 inhabitants, if we consider 2018 latest census. You want to dial local telephone numbers. You can use 53 as local dialing code for local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 57, for this reason, if you want to send anything to anyone via post from Mae Suai this can be done by using the zip as described above.

Mae Suai size is 11678 km2, good if you’d like to travel to a metropolis, busy full of attractions or activities to do. Here you may find expensive accommodations because of Mae Suai very high rooms costs, and this is why you can find it as your basecamp if you want to relax tired by going around the big city.

Its elevation above mean sea level basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) is over 0 meters. That’s why this city is a perfect destination if you and your family want seaside areas.

Shares borders with nice cities like Phayao, Lampang, Chiang Mai, Shan State. So you and your companions may very quickly go to these near wonderful destinations for new Thailand adventures.

If you are searching for other data on Mae Suai you can visit their official website

Mae Suai things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • off-road trails.

    Interactive Mae Suai (Thailand) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Mae Suai, Changwat Chiang Rai Thailand (TH).