Banphot Phisai

Info about Banphot Phisai, Changwat Nakhon Sawan (Thailand)

Banphot Phisai is a location in Changwat Nakhon Sawan, in Thailand (TH).

It is also called Ambheu Barnbhot, Amphoe Banphot Phisai, Amphoe Banpot Pi Sai, Amphoe Barnbhot Bhi Sai, Ban Banpot Pisai, Ban Hu Gwang, Ban Hu Kwang, Banphot Phisai, Banpot, Barnbhotbhisai, Hu Khwang, ban hukwang, brrphtphisay, บรรพตพิสัย, บ้านหูกวาง, its latitude is 15.9355800, and longitude is 99.9812900.

In Banphot Phisai live 1.063.964 people, this place timezone is Asia/Bangkok (Asia/Bangkok_cet).

Banphot Phisai is popular for hiking trails, walking trails, hiking, walkways around Thailand.


More details about Banphot Phisai in Thailand (TH)

In Banphot Phisai there are 1.063.964 people, if we consider 2018 census. Banphot Phisai zip code is 60, for this reason, if you want to send anything to anyone via post in Banphot Phisai it can be used 60 zip code as described above.

Banphot Phisai area is 9597 square km., so its a large city, crowdy with a lot of attractions and entertainment. If you stay here you can find expensive hotels because of its very high rooms rates, and for this reason you could find Banphot Phisai as base in order to relaxing in luxury tired by visiting this metropolis.

Banphot Phisai elevation above mean sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 0 meters above sea. For this this city is a perfect destination when you and your partner want to watch the sea.

Banphot Phisai near cities are astonishing cities like Tak, Kamphaeng Phet, Phichit, Phetchabun, Lopburi, Sing Buri, Chai Nat, Uthai Thani. Because of this you and your companions may in few time visit these other destinations to visit to see other destinations in Thailand.

If you want to find rivers, sea, lakes in Banphot Phisai. Places like Bueng Boraphet its worth visiting if you want to visit destinations with a lot of water.

If you want detailed information about Banphot Phisai you can visit its official website

Banphot Phisai things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hiking trails, walking trails, hiking, walkways.

    Interactive Banphot Phisai (Thailand) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Banphot Phisai, Changwat Nakhon Sawan Thailand (TH).