Bang Sao Thong

Info about Bang Sao Thong, Changwat Samut Prakan (Thailand)

Bang Sao Thong is a place of Changwat Samut Prakan, located in Thailand (TH).

It is also called Amphoe Bang Sao Thong, Bang Sao Thong, King Amphoe Bang Sao Thong, bangseathng, บางเสาธง, its latitude is 13.5950000, and its longitude 100.8304200.

Bang Sao Thong population is 1.326.608 residents, this place timezone is Asia/Bangkok (Asia/Bangkok_cet).

Bang Sao Thong is one of the top destinations for towers in Thailand.


More details about Bang Sao Thong in Thailand (TH)

In Bang Sao Thong there are 1.326.608 residents, considering 2018 last census. Bang Sao Thong postal code is 10, then for post delivery from Bang Sao Thong you can use this zip code as per description.

Its dimension is 1004 sq. km. ideal for people who like metropolies, crowdy with a lot of things to do or entertainment. Here you can find high budget accommodations due to their high rooms rates, so for this reason you may enjoy Bang Sao Thong as your base if you want to getting the comfort of luxury tired by visiting this big city.

Bang Sao Thong altitude above sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 0 meters. For this Bang Sao Thong is the ideal travel destination when you and family like seaside areas.

Shares borders with for example Bangkok, Chachoengsao. Because of this you and your family could in few time go to those close destinations for new adventures.

For information for this city please visit their official webpage

Bang Sao Thong things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • towers.

    Interactive Bang Sao Thong (Thailand) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Bang Sao Thong, Changwat Samut Prakan Thailand (TH).