
Info about Bāniyās, Tartus Governorate (Syria)

Bāniyās is a region of Tartus Governorate, and country is Syria (SY).

It is also called Banias, Banijas, Baniyas, Bulunyas, Bulunyās, Bâniâs, Bāniyās, banyas, Банияс, بانياس, its latitude is 35.1818800, and longitude 35.9487100.

In Bāniyās are settled 43.151 people, this region timezone is Asia/Damascus (Asia/Damascus_cet).

Bāniyās is famous for walking trails, hiking trails, hiking around Syria.


More details about Bāniyās in Syria (SY)

Bāniyās time zone is Eastern European Time (valid for standard time).

In Bāniyās there are 43.151 people, considering 2009 latest census. You need to dial local telephone numbers. If you want to call local numbers in Bāniyās you can use 43 as local dialing code.

Its dimensions are 1892 square km. ideal for travelling to large cities, busy with a lot of attractions and activities to do. Here you can find expensive hotels because of Bāniyās very high housing rates, and for this reason you may find Bāniyās like your basecamp if you want to relaxing in luxury after going around the metropolis.

Bāniyās height above sea level specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 25 meters. For this this is the ideal destination when you want plain land to see for your next vacation.

Near Bāniyās you can find astonishing cities like Homs Governorate. So you and your companions may in few time travel to these close destinations for new Syria adventures.

If you’re looking for more detailed information on Bāniyās you can visit their official website http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02215a.htm.

Bāniyās things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • walking trails, hiking trails, hiking.

    Interactive Bāniyās (Syria) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Bāniyās, Tartus Governorate Syria (SY).