
Info about Flaach, Kanton Zürich (Switzerland)

Flaach is a location of Kanton Zürich, Bezirk Andelfingen, in Switzerland (CH).

its latitude is 47.5760800, and longitude 8.6063300.

With 1.414 inhabitants, this area timezone is Europe/Zurich (Europe/Zurich_cet).

Considered best destination for rivers in Switzerland.


More details about Flaach in Switzerland (CH)

It’s official name is Flaach (ZH).

In Flaach live 1.414 inhabitants, considering 2018 last census. You are looking to use telephone for calling local telephones. You can call phone numbers by dialing 52 as local dialing code. Flaach zip code is 8416, then for post delivery in Flaach it can be used 8416 code as explained.

Its size is 10 sq. km. so it seems to be nicely quiet city a good location for travelers that are interested in small destinations as a quiet base location to sleep, an incredibly calm town without distractions typical of large cities. In Flaach you can save money because of their cheap hotel prices, and for this reason you and your friends may have Flaach like basecamp to move across Switzerland and Flaach near adventures.

Flaach height above sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 360 mt. That is why this is the ideal travel destination when you and your partner want high mountains to visit for your next vacation and want to do hiking if you are on vacation to visit new places.

For extra info for this city please check Flaach official website http://www.flaach.ch.

Flaach things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • rivers.

    Interactive Flaach (Switzerland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Flaach, Kanton Zürich Bezirk Andelfingen Switzerland (CH).