
Info about Stüsslingen, Kanton Solothurn (Switzerland)

Stüsslingen is a town in Kanton Solothurn, Bezirk Gösgen, with country Switzerland (CH).

Stüsslingen names are also Shtjuslingen, Stuesslingen, Stüsslingen, si di si lin gen, Штюслинген, 斯蒂斯林根, its latitude is 47.3942700, and its longitude is 7.9742600.

With 1.055 citizens, its timezone is Europe/Zurich (Europe/Zurich_cet).

Things to do in Stüsslingen are golf over Switzerland.


More details about Stüsslingen in Switzerland (CH)

Officially, its name is Stüsslingen (SO).

In Stüsslingen live 1.055 citizens, if we consider 2018 last census. Do You want to use telephone for calling local telephone numbers! You can use 62 as local dialing code for phone numbers. Stüsslingen postal code is 4655, for this reason, for post delivery from Stüsslingen this can be done by using 4655 postal code as per description above.

Its dimensions are 6 square kilometers, this is why Stüsslingen appears to be nicely calm city , amazing solution for trippers that like quiet cities for their location on a travel, a calm countryside with no distractions that you find in big cities. If you stay here you can find cheap accommodations due to its cheap room rates, so for this reason you and your friends may have Stüsslingen as basecamp if you want to visit all Switzerland and Stüsslingen near things to do.

Stüsslingen meters above mean sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 465 meters. That is why it is a perfect travel destination when you love tall areas to go to for your next holiday and love mountain rails when going in a new place.

For more information for Stüsslingen please have a look at Stüsslingen official website

Stüsslingen things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • golf.

    Interactive Stüsslingen (Switzerland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Stüsslingen, Kanton Solothurn Bezirk Gösgen Switzerland (CH).