
Info about Meltingen, Kanton Solothurn (Switzerland)

Meltingen region is Kanton Solothurn, Bezirk Thierstein, in Switzerland (CH).

Meltingen is also called Mel’tingen, Meltingen, mo ting gen, Мельтинген, 默廷根, latitude is 47.3832800, and its longitude 7.5875000.

In Meltingen are located 660 citizenry, this location timezone is Europe/Zurich (Europe/Zurich_cet).

Some of the things you can do if you travel to Meltingen are valleys in Switzerland.


More details about Meltingen in Switzerland (CH)

Officially its name is Meltingen (SO).

It’s population is 660 inhabitants, related to 2018 last census. Do You want to use telephone for calling local telephones! If you want to call local numbers in Meltingen you can use 61 as local dialing code. It’s postal code is 4233, then for post delivery on your tripthis can be done by using this postal code as explained.

Meltingen size is 5 square kilometers so Meltingen seems to be nicely small town , a good location for trippers that are interested in relaxing destinations for base to travel to, an incredibly calm city with no loudness that characterizes big metropolis. If you stay here you save money because of its economic hotel costs, and this is why you and your friends can have it like a base if you want to move across Switzerland and Meltingen near places.

Its meters above sea level, or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is over 586 meters. Because of this it is the ideal travel destination when you and family love high areas to travel to for your next holiday and want to do climbing if on holiday to visit a new place.

If you’re looking for other information for this city please have a look at their official website

Meltingen things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • valleys.

    Interactive Meltingen (Switzerland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Meltingen, Kanton Solothurn Bezirk Thierstein Switzerland (CH).