
Info about Däniken, Kanton Solothurn (Switzerland)

Däniken is a city of Kanton Solothurn, Bezirk Olten, in Switzerland (CH).

Also called Daniken, Deniken, Däniken, de ni ken, Деникен, 德尼肯, its latitude is 47.3539700, and its longitude 7.9802100.

In Däniken are settled 2.851 citizens, this city timezone is Europe/Zurich (Europe/Zurich_cet).

In Däniken you can do theme parks, amusement parks in Switzerland.


More details about Däniken in Switzerland (CH)

Däniken official name is Däniken (SO).

Däniken population is 2.851 people, considering 2018 census. Do You are looking to dial local people. You can use 62 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. Däniken postal code is 4658, then if you want to send anything to your friends via post in Däniken it can be used 4658 zip code as per description above.

Its dimensions are 5 km2 this is why Däniken seems to be very calm town great travel destination for travelers that are searching for small cities as base to stay, a quiet countryside without distractions typical of large urban areas. In Däniken you save money due to Däniken economic rooms costs, and this is why you can have it as a base if you want to visit all Switzerland and Däniken near places.

Däniken altitude above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), counts 382 mt. For this reason Däniken is the ideal destination when you and family want high land to go to for your next vacation or are willing to do adventure in the nature when you are on a trip somewhere else.

For extra information about Däniken please check its official website http://www.daeniken.ch.

Däniken things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • theme parks, amusement parks.

    Interactive Däniken (Switzerland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Däniken, Kanton Solothurn Bezirk Olten Switzerland (CH).