
Info about Stalden, Canton du Valais (Switzerland)

Stalden region is Canton du Valais, Visp District, in Switzerland (CH).

Other names for Stalden are Stalden VS, shi ta er deng, 施塔爾登, latitude is 46.2334100, and its longitude 7.8727300.

Its population is 1.086 citizens, its timezone is Europe/Zurich (Europe/Zurich_cet).

Some of the activities you can do in Stalden are towers over Switzerland.


More details about Stalden in Switzerland (CH)

It’s official name is Stalden (VS) (VS).

In Stalden there are 1.086 citizens, related to 2018 latest census. Do You want to call local phone numbers. You can use 27 as local dialing code for local phone numbers. It’s postal code is 3922, this is why for sending postcards to your family on your tripit can be used this zip code as described above.

Stalden square area is 10 sq. km. so Stalden is relatively relaxing place , amazing destination for people that like relaxing cities as location to sleep, a calm countryside without confusion common in big metropolis. In Stalden you can find cheap hotels because of their cheap rooms costs, so this is why you can have Stalden like base in order to move across Switzerland and Stalden near adventures.

Its meters above sea level, basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is over 795 mt. That’s why it is the perfect place if you and partner want tall ground to travel to for your next trip and love mountain rails walking when you are on holiday abroad.

If you are looking for sea, rivers, lakes close to Stalden. Destinations like Vispa must be visited if you and your friends want to visit destinations with a lot of water.

If you are searching for more info on this city you can visit its official website

Stalden things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • towers.

    Interactive Stalden (Switzerland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Stalden, Canton du Valais Visp District Switzerland (CH).