
Info about Orsières, Canton du Valais (Switzerland)

Orsières is a location of Canton du Valais, Entremont District, with country Switzerland (CH).

It is also called Ursiores, ao xi ye er, awrsyr, اورسیر, 奧西耶爾, its latitude is 46.0290300, and longitude 7.1443700.

Its population is 3.183 inhabitants, its timezone is Europe/Zurich (Europe/Zurich_cet).

In your trip to Orsières you can do lakes, wellness in Switzerland.


More details about Orsières in Switzerland (CH)

It’s official name is Orsières (VS).

In Orsières there are 3.183 inhabitants, considering 2018 census. You are looking to have a call local phones. If you want to call local numbers in Orsières you can use 27 as local dialing code. Orsières zip code is 1937, then if you want to send anything to family by post in Orsières this can be done by using 1937 post code as per description above.

Its size is 165 sq. km. so its a medium sized city, in our opinion a place worth visiting. In this town you can save money due to Orsières economic hotel rates, so for this reason you can have it like base to visit all Switzerland and Orsières near adventures.

Orsières elevation above sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 887 mt. For this this city is the ideal trip destination when you and firends want high mountains to visit in your next travel and love mountain rails when travelling abroad.

Orsières shares borders with nice cities like Courmayeur, Saint-Rhémy-en-Bosses. As those cities are near Orsières you and your friends may easily travel to those other wonderful destinations to visit new things.

If you want other info about Orsières you can visit their website http://www.orsieres.ch.

Orsières things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • lakes, wellness.

    Interactive Orsières (Switzerland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Orsières, Canton du Valais Entremont District Switzerland (CH).