
Info about Härnösand, Västernorrlands län (Sweden)

Härnösand is a quarter in Västernorrlands län, with country Sweden (SE).

It is also called Haernoesand, Herniosandas, Hernosandia, Hernusando, Härnösand, Khern’osand, Khernesand, Khernjosand, SDL, hai ne sang de, harnwsand, heleunoesandeu, hrnwsnd, Хернесанд, Херньосанд, Хернёсанд, هارنوساند, هرنوسند, 海訥桑德, 헤르뇌산드, its latitude is 62.6322800, and its longitude is 17.9379400.

In Härnösand live 18.624 residents, its timezone is Europe/Stockholm (Europe/Stockholm_cet).

One of the top destinations for cathedrals, churches in all Sweden.


More details about Härnösand in Sweden (SE)

It is the capital of Västernorrland County.

Härnösand time zone is UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

In Härnösand there are 18.624 residents, if we consider 2019 census.

Its size is 1089 sq. kilometers, great if you want to visit a big city, crowdy with a lot of attractions and entertainment. In Härnösand you can find expensive hotels because of their very high housing prices, so this is why you could enjoy it as your basecamp if you want to relaxing in luxury tired by visiting the Härnösand.

Härnösand altitude above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 25 meters. For this Härnösand a perfect travel destination when you want flat ground to see for your next vacation.

Härnösand near cities are beautiful cities like Kramfors Municipality, Sollefteå Municipality, Timrå Municipality. So you and your family may easily reach those near destinations for new adventures in Sweden.

If you want information about Härnösand please check Härnösand official webpage http://www.harnosand.se/.

Härnösand things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • cathedrals, churches.

    Interactive Härnösand (Sweden) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Härnösand, Västernorrlands län Sweden (SE).