
Info about Nysäter, Värmlands län (Sweden)

Nysäter is a city of Värmlands län, in Sweden (SE).

It is also called Nysater, Nysäter, its latitude is 59.3000000, and its longitude 12.7666700.

Nysäter has a population of 160 inhabitants, Nysäter timezone is Europe/Stockholm (Europe/Stockholm_cet).

One of the top destinations for secret around Sweden.


More details about Nysäter in Sweden (SE)

Nysäter time zone is UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

In Nysäter there are 160 inhabitants, considering 2015 last census.

Its square area is 44 square km. so Nysäter is relatively quiet town suggested solution for travelers that are interested in quiet places as a quiet location to stay, a calm town without confusion common in large metropolis. Here you can find cheap accommodations due to its cheap rooms prices, and this is why you and your friends could use it like basecamp in order to move across Sweden and Nysäter near things to do.

Nysäter altitude above sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL) should be around 0 mt. For this Nysäter is the ideal place when you and firends want seaside places.

Nysäter things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • secret.

    Interactive Nysäter (Sweden) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Nysäter, Värmlands län Sweden (SE).