
Info about Laxå, Örebro län (Sweden)

Laxå region is Örebro län, in Sweden (SE).

Alternate names are Lakso, Лаксо, latitude is 58.9863000, and longitude is 14.6190400.

In Laxå are settled 3.167 residents, this city timezone is Europe/Stockholm (Europe/Stockholm_cet).

Things you can do if you travel to Laxå are national parks over Sweden.


More details about Laxå in Sweden (SE)

It is the capital of Laxå Municipality.

Located in time zone UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Laxå live 3.167 residents, if we consider 2019 last census.

Laxå dimensions are 454 square kilometers, ideal for people who like medium-sized cities, in our opinion a town that you should visit. In this town you can find cheap hotels due to its cheap rooms prices, so this is why you can have it like your base if you want to visit all Sweden or Laxå near places.

Its elevation above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is 0 meters. This is why this city is a perfect trip destination when you and firends love sea places.

Near Laxå you can find for example Karlsborg Municipality, Töreboda Municipality, Gullspång Municipality, Hallsberg Municipality, Degerfors Municipality, Askersund Municipality. As those cities are very close you and your friends may very quickly travel to these close places for new Sweden adventures.

For more information for Laxå you can have a look at their official website

Laxå things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • national parks.

    Interactive Laxå (Sweden) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Laxå, Örebro län Sweden (SE).