
Info about Backe, Jämtlands län (Sweden)

Backe is a city of Jämtlands län, and country is Sweden (SE).

It is also called Backe, its latitude is 63.8166700, and longitude 16.4000000.

In Backe are located 511 citizens, this region timezone is Europe/Stockholm (Europe/Stockholm_cet).

Best destination for nightlife in Sweden.


More details about Backe in Sweden (SE)

Backe time zone is UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

In Backe there are 511 citizens, considering 2019 last census.

Its dimension is 126 sq. km. good if you’d like to travel to a medium-sized city that can soon become, if it is not already, boomtown, in our opinion a city that you should visit. Here you can find cheap accommodations because of Backe economic hotel costs, so this is why you can use it like basecamp to move across Sweden and Backe near places.

Backe elevation above sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 231 mt. For this this city is the ideal travel destination if you and your beloved ones want flat ground to travel to for your next holiday.

Backe things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • nightlife.

    Interactive Backe (Sweden) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Backe, Jämtlands län Sweden (SE).