
Info about Karlshamn, Blekinge (Sweden)

Karlshamn is a place in Blekinge, and country is Sweden (SE).

Karlshamn names are also Karlshamn, Karlshamnas, Karlskhamn, ka er si gang, kalshhmn, Карлсхамн, کالشهمن, 卡爾斯港, its latitude is 56.1706000, and its longitude is 14.8618800.

With a population of 20.388 inhabitants, its timezone is Europe/Stockholm (Europe/Stockholm_cet).

Karlshamn is one of the top destinations for mosques around Sweden.


More details about Karlshamn in Sweden (SE)

It is the capital of Karlshamn Municipality.

It has timezone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

In Karlshamn live 20.388 inhabitants, according to 2019 census.

Its dimension is 1305 square km., ideal for people who like metropolies, crowdy full of distractions or activities to do. In Karlshamn you can find expensive hotels because of its high housing prices, and this is why you may find Karlshamn as a base if you want to relaxing in luxury tired by visiting the metropolis.

Karlshamn meters above mean sea level, basically meters above sea level (MASL), should be about 0 mt. That is why it is an ideal travel destination if you and your friends like sea places.

There are also other near cities you can visit, cities like Sölvesborg Municipality, Olofström Municipality, Tingsryd Municipality, Ronneby Municipality. As those cities are near Karlshamn you and your family could effortlessly reach these other surroundings to explore more Sweden.

If you’re looking for detailed info about this city have a look at Karlshamn official website http://www.karlshamn.se/.

Beautiful monuments important to have a look at for your travel to Karlshamn are:

    Vägga IP, Karlshamn Public Library

Karlshamn things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques.

    Interactive Karlshamn (Sweden) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Karlshamn, Blekinge Sweden (SE).