
Info about Beruwala, Western Province (Sri Lanka)

Beruwala region is Western Province, Kalutara District, in Sri Lanka (LK).

Beruwala is also called Beruwala, latitude is 6.4788000, and its longitude 79.9828000.

Beruwala has a population of 164.969 citizens, this city timezone is Asia/Colombo (Asia/Colombo_cet).

Beruwala is considered one of the top destinations for scuba diving, mosques, mines, beaches, swimming, diving, jet skiing, islands, nightlife, skydiving, disco, sailboats, pubs, bars, clubs, boat rides, docks, music, shooting ranges, therms, water sports, events in Sri Lanka.


More details about Beruwala in Sri Lanka (LK)

It’s time zone is UTC+05:30 (valid for standard time).

Beruwala population is 164.969 occupiers, if we consider 2012 census.

Its altitude above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 5 meters. Because of this Beruwala is the perfect trip destination when you like to swim in the sea.

Beruwala things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • scuba diving, mosques, mines, beaches, swimming, diving, jet skiing, islands, nightlife, skydiving, disco, sailboats, pubs, bars, clubs, boat rides, docks, music, shooting ranges, therms, water sports, events.

    Interactive Beruwala (Sri Lanka) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Beruwala, Western Province Kalutara District Sri Lanka (LK).