
Info about Tissamaharama, Southern Province (Sri Lanka)

Tissamaharama region is Southern Province, Hambantota District, Thissamaharama, in Sri Lanka (LK).

Other names for Tissamaharama are TTW, Tissa, Tissamaharama, latitude is 6.2765000, and its longitude 81.2865000.

Tissamaharama is considered one of the top destinations for snorkeling, fishing, off-road trails, biking, hammam, slopes, nature, parks, natural places, historical sites, countryside, horse trails, secret, scenic roads, national parks, gardens, nature reserves, rivers, hunting, lakes, adventure, statues, adventure parks, wildlife, geological formations, events, forest, nightlife, food, monuments, religious sites, playgrounds, walkways in Sri Lanka.


More details about Tissamaharama in Sri Lanka (LK)

Tissamaharama has timezone UTC+05:30 (valid in period standard time).

Tissamaharama size is 2180 square kilometers good if you’d like to travel to a metropolis, crowdy with a lot of attractions or entertainment. If you stay in this city you may find expensive accommodations because of Tissamaharama very high room prices, and this is why you can enjoy it like a base to find SPAs and Thermal baths tired by visiting this metropolis.

Its altitude above sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 19 mt. That’s why Tissamaharama the perfect place if you love flat areas to travel to in your next trip.

Tissamaharama things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • snorkeling, fishing, off-road trails, biking, hammam, slopes, nature, parks, natural places, historical sites, countryside, horse trails, secret, scenic roads, national parks, gardens, nature reserves, rivers, hunting, lakes, adventure, statues, adventure parks, wildlife, geological formations, events, forest, nightlife, food, monuments, religious sites, playgrounds, walkways.

    Interactive Tissamaharama (Sri Lanka) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Tissamaharama, Southern Province Hambantota District Sri Lanka (LK).