
Info about Degaña, Principality of Asturias (Spain)

Degaña is a place in Principality of Asturias, Province of Asturias, with country Spain (ES).

It is also called Degan’ja, Degana, Deganija, Degaña, de jia ni ya, dganya, dyghanya, Дегания, Деганья, ديغانيا, دگانیا, 德加尼亚, its latitude is 42.9396900, and longitude is -6.5693500.

Degaña has a population of 921 people, this location timezone is Europe/Madrid (Europe/Madrid_cet).

In Degaña you can do wildlife over Spain.


More details about Degaña in Spain (ES)

It’s official name is Degaña (O).

Degaña time zone is UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

In Degaña there are 921 people, according to 2019 census. Degaña zip code is 33812, so if you want to send anything by post on your tripyou can use 33812 post code as per description above.

Degaña area is 87 sq. km., so Degaña is a medium size city, in our opinion a town worth visiting. In Degaña you save money due to Degaña low hotel prices, and for this reason you can use Degaña as your basecamp to move across Spain or Degaña near adventures.

Degaña elevation above mean sea level, that is meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 860 mt. For this this city is an ideal trip destination when you and firends want tall areas to go to in your next vacation or are willing to do mountain rails walking while on vacation far away.

Near cities are for example cities like Ibias, Cangas del Narcea, Villablino, Palacios del Sil, Páramo del Sil, Peranzanes. As those cities are near Degaña you and your friends can effortlessly go to these near destinations to visit to explore more Spain.

If you are searching for more information about Degaña please check Degaña official website

Degaña things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wildlife.

    Interactive Degaña (Spain) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Degaña, Principality of Asturias Province of Asturias Spain (ES).