
Info about Gata, Extremadura (Spain)

Gata is a state in Extremadura, Provincia de Cáceres, in Spain (ES).

It is also called Gata, its latitude is 40.2375800, and its longitude is -6.5968400.

Its population is 1.447 residents, this place timezone is Europe/Madrid (Europe/Madrid_cet).

Gata is a popular destination for canoeing, paddle, diving, kayaking, scuba diving, snorkeling, beaches, geological formations, water sports, desert, swimming in Spain.


More details about Gata in Spain (ES)

It’s official name is Gata (CC).

Gata time zone is UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

In Gata there are 1.447 residents, according to 2019 latest census. Gata postal code is 10860, so if you want to send anything to family via post on your travel you can use the zip code as described above.

Its dimension is 94 km2, so its a medium sized city, definitely a city worth a visit. In this town you can find cheap hotels due to their cheap accommodation rates, and this is why you could use Gata as your base if you want to visit all Spain and Gata near cities.

Gata altitude above mean sea level technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is around 637 meters above sea. For this Gata is an ideal destination when you and family like tall mountains to travel to in your next holiday and love winter sports when you are going in a new country.

Gata shares borders with beautiful cities like Acebo, El Payo, Peñaparda, Santibáñez el Alto, Torre de Don Miguel, Villasbuenas de Gata, Perales del Puerto, Calzadilla, Huélaga, Moraleja. Because of this you and your companions may very quickly go to those close destinations for new adventures in Spain.

Gata things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • canoeing, paddle, diving, kayaking, scuba diving, snorkeling, beaches, geological formations, water sports, desert, swimming.

    Interactive Gata (Spain) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Gata, Extremadura Provincia de Cáceres Spain (ES).